Beyond Shape

My thesis project for MA in New Media Production at Aalto University.

More content will follow, watch this space.

Check out the print edition on Aaltodoc

Contribute to the data collection


  • Defining the 'third wave of visualization'
  • Developing a concept of visualizing data in a way that could also communicate some of the fuzziness, uncertainty of interpretation included in the presentation.
  • Building a text-to-emotional-attribute API utilizing the natural language understanding platforms of IBM Watson, Google Cloud and Azure
  • Building a real-time user research platform for collecting quantifiable perception data of visual-attribute – emotional-attribute pairs in Vue
  • Automate user research data gathering utilizing Amazon Mechanical Turk
  • Design and implement an experimental neural network that extrapolates visual attributes from emotional attributes in Tensorflow
  • Design a visualization of visual attribute outcomes utilizing React and Aframe (three.js)
  • Re-render visualizations in Blender