Eurovision Self-Organized

Eurovision Self-Organized is an exploration of both Eurovision and Self-Organizing Map neural networks. We analyzed eurovision entries, breaking them down into quantifiable attributes and processed them with the SOM to find groups of similarities within the set of songs. This visualization is a real-time demo of organizing the map with this library, and placing the values within the organized map, created with peity and plain javascript. This visualization was created as part of the Information Visualization and Design course at Aalto MediaLab, in collaboration with Marija Erjavec.

Check out the demo here:


  • Brainstorming, ideation
  • Identifying quantifiable metrics within popular music
  • Processing Eurovision entries break them down into identified attributes using both manual and software assisted means
  • Developing a SOM-network that utilizes the quantified attributes
  • Visualizing the progress and end result of that SOM-network
  • Building a functional web-based prototype of the tool